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Terrariums - Kitsets 3 Litre


A little bit of wild indoors

Each of these closed Terrariums is a self-contained miniature forest or garden within a sealed container. The combined essential layers of the terrarium produce their own microclimate. The plants and the soil in the terrarium release water vapour, causing water droplets to collect on the walls of the jar or bottle, which then trickle back down to the soil. Terrariums are self-nourishing, which is why they require little maintenance, if sealed. 

Kitset Terrariums
Here's your chance to create your very own microclimate and self-contained garden within a sealed container. 

Each kit contains everything needed to start a Terrarium -

Glass jar & cork lid 
The 6 essential base layers which create the substrate for the plants and moss to live
Decorative stones
Living moss
A terrarium plant
How-to-build instructions
How to care for your terrarium guide

These kitset Terrariums can be couriered NZ wide.

For information on shipping please click here.

SKU: 10000-2 TAGS: Raglan Gift, Mother's Day

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