Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm      Weekends & Public Holidays - Closed
If you need flowers for a special weekend occasion, please contact me

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Pure joy

I sat in Raglan’s, The Shack café the other day, having my regular order of a flat white coffee with a woman I had never met before, but knew of through mutual friends. She had flown into Raglan in a small plane as a special treat from a friend, someone I also knew. She asked what I did for work. When I told her I was a local florist here in Raglan, not only did her eyes light up, but her entire face also beamed with joy. She told me of her newfound love – flowers! Flower growing to be...

June 11, 2024


I want to join with you by sharing what I am able to uniquely contribute, and am passionate about, to help others flourish. ...

July 7, 2023

The Price of Sentiment

Have you recently gone online or into a florist shop and found yourself gasping for air - the price of flowers just taking your breath away, then, exiting the website or turning around and walking out? You only need to follow a few florists on facebook or instagram to know the frustration in sourcing and pricing flowers. Just this week I watched an Instagram story of exactly that – a florist I know expressing her exasperation over flower prices in New Zealand, but doing so to educate her clien...

July 12, 2022

Today's inspiration ... tomorrow's reflection

Just down the road from our home is the Whaingaroa Harbour.  It is a favourite walking spot for Lorraine and myself, and our dog Buddy.  We often walk out past the harbour entrance and along Ngarunui Beach with its black iron sand.  We continually find treasures as we take a slow walk, pausing while Buddy does his own exploring.  Washed up debris finds its way into many of Lorraine's floral designs, and I pick up small shells to add to my new collection, which I keep in my re...

August 31, 2021

Wedding Flowers - from dream to reality

“Pretty much as soon as the enquiry comes in, with a few details about what you as the bride dreams for as your wedding flowers, I’m hooked”. ...

June 23, 2021

My Man Made Mirror

A few years ago, we were living and working in Hamilton. My husband Campbell is an ultra-runner, so being away for long hours was just normal everyday life for us, so, when he was away for extra hours just hanging at a mate’s place, supposedly, I was getting a little, you know, “what about me time”? I mean I’m not that precious, but hey! The reason became clear. On my birthday I was forbidden to be in my bedroom for a good part of the day. I may have even been told to leave home for seve...

March 7, 2021

A Valentine's Day Blog

Years ago, just after completing my training as a florist, I walked in off the street into what I thought was a little florist boutique. It was Valentine’s week, the week that is one of the busiest on a florist’s yearly calendar. I just wanted to volunteer and be amongst it all. Of course, they were very happy to have my help. At the time, I can remember that the experience made me giggle. As Valentine’s Day landed on a Saturday, the week proceeding was crazy with orders of flowers. T...

February 10, 2021

A tiny-world discovery, on the other side of the world

One year ago this week, after having had a late breakfast with friends at a busy quirky cafe called Cereal Killer, we strolled through the open markets along London’s Brick Lane. The ten days we spent this time in London, often found us out and about doing short walks around the Cockney area, discovering cute cafes, and exclusive or specialist stores.  This day was no different. Catching my eye, we entered into a peaceful little paradise - a boutique terrarium store, called the Green Fact...

December 18, 2020

A Sentimental Commissioning

I was surprised at how difficult it was, in the sentimental sense, to disassemble her bouquet. It seemed like I was walking on some kind of holy ground of the past. Sacred vows, she’d made, with these in hand. Now years on, she was no longer that new young bride, but through  “better or for worse” these flowers though faded, still represented the love and promises made. She messaged me, “I have my dried wedding and bridesmaid bouquet and … would love to have them made into a ...

September 18, 2020

A Box Full of Flowers

It all began in London.Back when overseas travel was a thing, that is 2019, Campbell and I spent 10 days in London. We’d been traveling for almost 5 months around Europe, The Middle East, and North Africa, and we were tired.  We had asked Kiwi friends, Matt & Charlotte who are doing their 2 year OE in London, if they’d mind us crashing at their’s for a bit. Honestly, I have learned so much about hospitality by people in our travels. These two, had no hesitation about us just staying w...

August 28, 2020

Raglan, this beautiful place I call home

I recently relocated to Raglan, making it home with my family.  It’s been a beautiful welcome. This morning I walked the 3 bridges. This route circuits the estuary, the trendy happening town with its cute boutique, but still a little hick, shops and cafes, and links the east with the west sides of Raglan.  I’ve walked this coastal ‘block’ of 3 bridges many times already in the last couple of months since becoming a local.  Every-single-time this walk has tak...

August 16, 2020 Posts 1-11 of 11 | Page

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